THE ULTIMATE TRAVEL TRIVIA WELCOME ALL TO THE ULTIMATE TRAVEL TRIVIA QUIZ OF BEYOND THE BOUNDS. HOW WELL WERE YOU ENJOYING YOUR SILVER STATUS SO FAR? WELL, IT'S TIME FOR A RENEWAL. FOR THE GOLD STATUS WE PRESENT TO YOU THE ULTIMATE TRAVEL TRIVIA QUIZ! THERE ARE 1O QUESTIONS, IF YOU ANSWER 8 RIGHT YOU WILL BE AWARDED WITH THE GOLD CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY TRANSCENDING YOU TO THE GOLD STATUS MEMBER OF BEYOND THE BOUNDS. SO GEAR UP AND GORGE YOURSELF IN THIS POOL OF TRAVEL TRIVIA! ALL THE BEST! 1.At The Taj Mahal there is a bench, who is it named after? 2. What's the capital of Russia? 3.What time of the year is Dia de los Muertos celebrated in Mexico? 4.Where can you find the Neuschwanstein Castle? 5. London’s Winter Wonderland happens in which park? 6. What is Pamplona, Spain most famous for? 7.How many Emirates does the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have? 8.Which US city is referred to as 'Sin City'? 9. Which famous temple is this? 10. Where would you find the Seven Coloured...